[Highlight] Ronald Acuña Jr. hits the first pitch Waino throws out to give the Braves a 1-0 lead.

[Highlight] Ronald Acuña Jr. hits the first pitch Waino throws out to give the Braves a 1-0 lead.

  1. If the rest of this series is any indication, we will have an xBA of .475 with 12 balls hit 105+ and lose 14-5

  2. Why the fuck are they still starting Wainwright? He looks like an 80 year old world war veteran throwing out the first pitch

  3. Even after all the Cards voodoo magic, the infield fly call, and the past few days destruction… It’s hard to see Waino like this. It’s not fun, like watching drew Brees struggle to throw past 20 yards in his last year

  4. Look they say the average person couldn’t get a hit off a major league pitcher but 2023 Waino is really pushing it

  5. People who hit long slugs to out there are some of the better athletes, of the time, I think. Way to go, Ronald! We’re all cheering for you here, in the Holy Land of the Chosen People!

  6. A 16* launch angle homer is absurd shit, Acuña has really taken over the most absurd stat cast data guy title from Stanton this year

  7. Wainwright will always be the one that got away for me as a Braves fan. Georgia native, had him. Traded him for one year of JD Drew(that was the best year of of Drew’s career, but still)

  8. 11 starts of Ls and ND’s when he only needed two more Wins for 200 is….

    Well its fuckin baseball, Suzyn.

  9. That ball looked as if it made it all the way from his bat to the wall without getting higher than 10 feet off the ground

  10. my dude waino out here throwing BP…. 86 right down the middle to one of the best hitters in baseball right now, not sure what else you should expect

  11. I feel bad for Waino. Dude clearly wants 200 wins and skipped the perfect storybook ending with Albert and Yadi to get it. Unfortunately, he’s still gonna fall short in one of the worst pitching seasons we’ve seen in years.

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