Yankees tickets down to $1

They really hate their team

  1. That’s crazy, even if you’re not a fan, seeing that Jasson Dominguez play is worth good money.

    Now, let me take a big gulp of coffee and check the baseball news…

  2. Yes, but it will still be $80 a ticket to get in once you add in fees that they add on at the end of the transaction.

  3. Stop being this person. I hate the Yankees, but we didnt make the playoffs either and might not finish ahead of them. Its great to see the Yankees lose, but dont be the guy talking about them more than your own team.

  4. Honestly I’d love to wander around (faux) Yankee Stadium for the cost of a package of paper plates.

  5. i’m going for the first time in a couple weeks with a a couple of buddies to see them play arizona, im excited even if just for the fact that i get to visit a new ballpark

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