Compare and Contrast – time to say goodbye

After the game end huddle, all teams thank the crowd right? Well, almost all teams…

Compare and Contrast – time to say goodbye
byu/real_ikonn intorontoraptors

  1. I know people here just love shitting on other people as with any fanbase I suppose but let’s be somewhat fair here.

    First and obviously, they lost so of course they are going to be melancholy. And yes, Canada was gracious after their previous losses but let’s not also forget stuff like them walking through the neutral zone.

    Secondly and probably more importantly, these American players are also pretty young but in addition to that, have a much much heavily weight on their shoulders with the American media and what was expected of them. To not even medal will be a great humiliation for them and they know that they will be scrutinized to death. I mean, just look at how you’re currently criticising just their simple departure lmao.

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