Highlight of the game

Highlight of the game

Highlight of the game
byu/chnlng00 inGreenBayPackers

  1. Thousand dollar ticket prolly lol front row to the shit show lol I’d prolly cry too

    The cheese head in the back standing up and clapping just makes it so much better, didn’t notice on the first watch lol

  2. I’m old enough to remember my parents bitching about Dan Devine.

    I was watching and understanding football by the early ’80’s.

    Those of you who weren’t fans yet don’t understand the pain of utter, impotent, frustration that we experienced in those days. The Bears absolutely dominated us, it seemed like forever.

    At one point they beat the Pack eight times in a row.

    It was awful.

    And the Packer’s dominance of the Bears for the last 30 years has to be awful x10.

    I feel this guy’s pain.

  3. I kinda enjoyed the skycam flyin over Jones while hes getting worked on, and he just throws up the deuces mid stretch

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