Going to work in an office where no one watches football and coming home and spilling to my fiancée

Going to work in an office where no one watches football and coming home and spilling to my fiancée

  1. I work with a lot of Raider fans, a Packers fan, a cowboys fan, a saints fan -no one was talking shit this morning like we normally would. Literally everyone was in a great mood. It was the damndest thing, never seen anything like it.

  2. Does Charlie think so many envelopes are for “Pepe Silvia” bc hes illiterate and he keeps seeing “Pennsylvania”

  3. I live in the PNW, so everyone is a Toots fan. Our custodian would regularly look like an advertisement for the Seahawks cause he’ll be dress toe to head in their apparel. I saw him today, so of course I had to talk smack. All he said was, “3 points, only 3 points in the 2nd half.” Haha, it made my morning.

  4. I have a nice talkative office so I got to chirp about the Niners and the Dolphins instead of actually working for like an hour.

  5. I’m lucky. Have coworkers who watch football and fans of all kinds of teams so it’s some good smack talking. New guy in the office is a Steelers fan so better believe I hung my Niner flag in the front office to welcome him this morning. We had a good laugh about it and i took it down to put it in my cubicle.

    I have one coworker who’s a diehard Niner fan so we talk all week dissecting everything. If we have a win, we celebrate by getting lunch together. If we lose, we grab a beer after work to console. It’s gawd damn awesome.

  6. Haha.. I used to work in an American company where we all Loved our NFL teams… Monday’s were great.

    Then moved to a small local place where no one cares.

    I’ve quit that place… So my wife just Ignores me.. Lol

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