T-Mac explaining one his go-to moves. Feels so ingrained in my brain lol


T-Mac explaining one his go-to moves. Feels so ingrained in my brain lol
byu/ST012Mi inrockets

  1. Tmac wearing Jordan’s surprised me tbh. Had to google why and looks like the adidas sponsorship ended last year after 25 years. they re-released the tmac 1s a couple years ago too.

  2. When I was a high schooler, I saw a YouTube video of michale Jordan teachings how to use the exact move.

    That has became my go to move (and my only move 🤣). And it is really effective. To this day, i can still surprise bigger, younger and more athletic opponents (I am not athletic or physically gifted at all). There was one time, my opponent even thought I was left handed because I kept dribbling to left

    To young kids here, if you are struggling to breakdown your opponents from perimeter, learn this move. You will be surprised how effective it is

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