$614M proposed for Brewers’ stadium upgrades

$614M proposed for Brewers’ stadium upgrades

  1. Not really a fan of the framing of this that it’s all for “upgrades.” Most of the big money is going to basic maintenance/repairs.

  2. With these numbers over 50% ($300 million us) is “that just is something Milwaukee pays for” the WoW counties pay $0, the team pays $100 million and the player taxes pay the rest.

    If you live outside of Milwaukee county you pay $0 and get all the benefits.

    Sounds about right for Republicans.

    Oh and $0 from the already collected surplus which is just sitting there. Why not drag 25% of the cost from there?

    Why not change $2 a Mke county resident and $1 a border county resident?

  3. I’m going to do some shitty sports math.
    Current roster salary
    124,783,023 x 7% tax rate x 50 year = roughly 437 million.

    I think this is a pretty reasonable buy. That’s just player salaries, not including corporate taxes and ancillary sales taxes (bars, venue events, hotels, parking, concessions, office personnel taxes, etc)

  4. Milwaukee is so god damn political nothing will ever get done. Hope I’m wrong. People will bite one another’s head off because of it I’ll never understand. :/

  5. Plenty of hurdles to clear yet and it shifts the burden from the original proposed state funding (through the surplus) to local (yes, they are using the tax money from the stadium employees but that money was already being used for other things, it isn’t new money that they found for this). We’ll see what the Governor thinks after reviewing the details, and of course the support from both Dems and fiscal conservatives who still won’t like it.

    MJS article with more local details if anyone cares: https://www.jsonline.com/story/money/real-estate/commercial/2023/09/18/taxpayers-would-spend-600-million-on-brewers-ballpark-renovations/70887071007/

  6. We could just let the roof continue to leak. It could be one of those weird ballpark quirks where there’s a waterfall in left center during a rainstorm. Could be pretty entertaining.

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