Gritty was unleashed on the world 5 years ago today.

Gritty was unleashed on the world 5 years ago today.

  1. And on this day we all hated him. Tomorrow we’d kill for him.

    I’m still trying to figure where his gloves ended up.

  2. Scrolling The Gritty Unveiling is one of my favorite memories.

    My kid was born at 3am that day. He & my wife were asleep at lunch time so I went to the cafeteria to eat. I sat down with my food and opened Twitter. I hadn’t been on for more than a day and accidentally hit the button that scrolled allll the way up to the top of my feed. I was so tired and I had no idea where I left off so I just started scrolling my feed backwards from current time. All of a sudden I see Gritty and I have no idea what the fuck it is yet. Then I see all the tweets defending him from the rest of humanity. Then I see his “sleep with one eye open bird” tweet. Then I see all the stuff where we and everyone else was shitting in him. Then I saw the unveiling tweet from the Flyers and pieced it all together. I’m sitting in the Abington hospital cafeteria crying from laughing and exhaustion and sheer confusion about it.

  3. My first impression was “What in the unholy hell is THAT.” It didn’t take me long to jump on the wagon though, those tweets sold me for life.

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