[Highlight] According to the umpires, this was not a foul ball. Ruled a passed ball and the Cubs score.

[Highlight] According to the umpires, this was not a foul ball. Ruled a passed ball and the Cubs score.

[Highlight] According to the umpires, this was not a foul ball. Ruled a passed ball and the Cubs score.
byu/Waaaaaaaaaasuup inbaseball

  1. In the grand scheme of things this is pretty meaningless for the Braves, but imagine if this was the playoffs.


  2. I wanted Snit to walk out there with an iPad like “I don’t know how to work this goddamn thing but there’s a video that says you’re wrong!” so much.

  3. Absolutely no valid reason this shouldn’t be reviewable. First time this happens in a playoff game, rule will be changed.

  4. Are the umps that incompetent or are they trying their best to get LA home field advantage through the NLCS?

    …..they are actually just that incompetent.

  5. Gonna need Snitker to take a page out of Davey Martinez’ book and show up to the post game press conference with a print out of it hitting the bat

  6. Then the ump (Dan Bellino) ejects Snitker as he’s about to walk back to the dugout. This is the same guy that stared down Bumgarner as he massaged his hand.

  7. How the heck can four umps not manage to see that? They couldn’t all have been blocked by somebody.

    These are the guys who couldn’t see obvious out behind the plate either, so I guess I’m not surprised.

  8. And he called it a strike lol.

    “Straight down the middle. Damn..how did he not catch that? Why did it hit my foot?”

  9. I don’t get how the ump can feel it bounce off his leg like that and come to any conclusion other than foul ball

  10. How in the fuck did all 4 umpires miss that.

    I was listening to the game on the radio and I could hear the ball hit his bat.

  11. For some reason I hear Matt Damon’s character from Good Will Hunting saying, “that pitch broke wicked haaad.”

  12. So the home ump hates the Marlins and Reds and wants the Cubs in the playoffs. That’s what I’m gathering from this

  13. I think umpires should be forced to publicly apologize to the manager before the next game whenever they blow something this bad, and they should have to do it with their hat in their hand and looking the man in the eyes. It needs to be televised and shown on the stadium scoreboard as well.

    You wanna suck at your job? You get to eat humble pie in front of everybody.

    Maybe then they’ll push for these dumbfuck rules about reviewable and non-reviewable calls to be eliminated.

  14. Absolutely inexcusable. Right in front of his face, no way he didn’t hear it hit the bat, and there is no way the ball would’ve ricocheted or bounced like it did if it hit off the glove. Also, it’s absolutely bullshit that it can’t be reviewed. Also bullshit that the umps got together and STILL ruled it a passed ball. If none of them saw what was right in front of them, then they shouldn’t be allowed to ump MLB games.

  15. I just don’t understand. I’ll take the run because we need all the help we can get, but that really sucks. Umps need to better than that

  16. That’s just the latest pitching innovation, a curveball so sharp that the curve is continuous but not differentiable

  17. I’ve said this 1000 times between baseball and college football…but with all the money why can’t we just have a fifth official in the box staring at monitors who can get these obvious easy calls right in a timely manner. If the TV broadcast booth can determine that the ball was fouled off in less than 10 seconds he would be able to too. He simply chimes into the plate umpires earpiece and we get the call right….all in less than 20 seconds. Instead…we had an ump crew meeting, Snitker came out and argued for a minute, then they toss him so he argued for a few more minutes. You can’t tell me the system now is good for the game after you bitched about time of games for the past 20 years.

  18. How do you implement reviews but not on every scoring play? Really stupid stuff from MLB, not that any of us are surprised..

  19. lol 4 umpires missed this. how fucking worthless can they be? very. we can replace CEOs with AI and we can replace umps with technology.

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