Way too early Paddack stuff+ thoughts


Overall 121 stuff+ 101 pitching+

Fastball 121 || Slider 111 || Curve 92 || Change 125

Some thoughts:

The overall stuff number puts him 4th on the team, behind Jax, Duran, & Stewart. It needs more pitches to get a meaningful enough sample to trust. That said it stabilizes relatively quickly and it is a great tool for finding good relievers. Roughly 250 pitches and you have a good idea of the pitcher’s true talent for relievers.

the stuff model usually hates changeups I expect that to drop the most out of the current numbers. SWR is the only Twin with a stuff+ over 100 on a change up (4.2 innings)

If these trends continue he’s likely to slot in just behind Stewart in the pen, significantly clearing the other middle relievers, but likely not challenging Duran/Jax/Stew/Thielbar as a leverage reliever.

It’s fantastic to see, but expect these numbers to drop a bit (and that’s ok!)There’s a pretty well studied “debut” boost on velocity, so that 99 might be the only one we see.

  1. What does stuff+ tell us exactly? Is it just saying how good his pitches are compared to the league similar to OPS+ or ERA+?

    If that’s what we’re focusing on, why not just use FIP or ERA+? Overall pitching success vs. particular pitches?

  2. Except it’s my understanding Paddack’s future beyond this season is likely to remain as a starter, so comparing him to other relievers only holds value for this limited stretch this last week and any appearances he makes in the playoffs.

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