Overturned to be called safe. At what point does it stop being part of the uniform?

Overturned to be called safe. At what point does it stop being part of the uniform?

  1. A new baserunning strategy might be holding the helmet out in front of you in order to prevent a tag

  2. I remember thinking in real time that maybe Ozzie should stop intentionally flicking his helmet off and snag an extra few bases a year. J/k, I think I’ve seen a few guys getting bloodied by a last minute helmet loss.

  3. Earlier this year Ozzie’s helmet came off of him mid-slide and his helmet was tagged but not him, and on review they called him safe.

    Similar situation here, except CJ’s helmet is still touching him even though it’s not being worn.

    Edit: I’m not saying CJ should be out here. I think he’s safe and it would be weird to call him out based on this. Just bringing up a similar situation.

  4. Yeah it’s dumb. Obviously if his hat came off at 2nd base you can’t tag it while he is sliding in to home. But if the guy started the play wearing it, and he is still touching it, he should be able to be tagged out by it. It’s not supposed to be a force-field against tags.

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