Your weekly /r/losangeleskings roundup for the week of September 25 – October 01

**Monday, September 25 – Sunday, October 01**

###Top videos

| score | comments | title & link |
| 58 | [3 comments](/r/losangeleskings/comments/16u086j/this_day_in_kings_history_1991_kings_defeat_the/) | [This Day in Kings’ History (1991): Kings defeat the Rangers in the first outdoor NHL game](|
| 45 | [4 comments](/r/losangeleskings/comments/16wbwt2/this_day_in_kings_history_2011_drew_doughty_signs/) | [This Day in Kings’ History (2011): Drew Doughty signs an 8-year, $56 million contract](|
| 34 | [33 comments](/r/losangeleskings/comments/16sdbzm/gaaabe_filthy_mitts/) | [Gaaabe!! Filthy mitts](|
| 30 | [21 comments](/r/losangeleskings/comments/16s1dq9/la_kings_a_cup_contender/) | [LA KINGS A CUP CONTENDER!?](|


###Game thread comments

| score | comment |
| 9 | /u/Stolthet24 said [![gif](giphy|kqjgA9Vk9CvM0q2uEY)](/r/losangeleskings/comments/16vuytl/no_game_thread_tonight/k2t9vll/?context=5) |
| 8 | /u/Expendable_0 said [The prospects have had a very strong showing these last few games. It is not going to be an easy choice building a final roster.](/r/losangeleskings/comments/16vuytl/no_game_thread_tonight/k2teko8/?context=5) |
| 3 | /u/abrahamisaninja said [Be the change you wish to see in the world. It’s been a fun game so far](/r/losangeleskings/comments/16vuytl/no_game_thread_tonight/k2thwom/?context=5) |
| 3 | /u/lonzoballsinmymouth said [Spence has looked awesome this preseason](/r/losangeleskings/comments/16vuytl/no_game_thread_tonight/k2tlann/?context=5) |
| 3 | /u/Mookies_Bett said [I mean I don’t think there has been any game chats for preseason on this sub. R/hockey has them for every game though.](/r/losangeleskings/comments/16vuytl/no_game_thread_tonight/k2tlm0x/?context=5) |
| -1 | /u/Kba4life said [Just give us the cup now](/r/losangeleskings/comments/16vuytl/no_game_thread_tonight/k2tepmb/?context=5) |


###Top Remaining Posts

| score | comments | title & link |
| 71 | [10 comments](/r/losangeleskings/comments/16×6546/10_days_until_the_kings_home_opener/) | [10 days until the Kings’ home opener](|
| 64 | [4 comments](/r/losangeleskings/comments/16ul0ee/13_days_until_the_kings_home_opener/) | [13 days until the Kings’ home opener](|
| 62 | [19 comments](/r/losangeleskings/comments/16u6xmn/as_a_long_time_reign_fan_all_i_have_to_say_is/) | As a long time Reign fan, all I have to say is…|
| 53 | [3 comments](/r/losangeleskings/comments/16tp8ni/14_days_until_the_kings_home_opener/) | [14 days until the Kings’ home opener](|
| 53 | [0 comments](/r/losangeleskings/comments/16vhmdu/12_days_until_the_kings_home_opener/) | [12 days until the Kings’ home opener](|
| 53 | [7 comments](/r/losangeleskings/comments/16vueql/hockey_night_in_san_diego/) | [Hockey night in San Diego!!](|
| 47 | [2 comments](/r/losangeleskings/comments/16wo964/11_days_until_the_kings_home_opener/) | [11 days until the Kings’ home opener](|
| 43 | [1 comments](/r/losangeleskings/comments/16rwwcf/16_days_until_the_kings_home_opener/) | [16 days until the Kings’ home opener](|
| 42 | [2 comments](/r/losangeleskings/comments/16wn5a8/preseason_but_lets_get_the_rivalry_up_and_running/) | [Preseason but let’s get the rivalry up and running. Bringing the family and we are gonna be LOUD.](|
| 38 | [1 comments](/r/losangeleskings/comments/16xehk6/representing_while_backpacking/) | [Representing while backpacking](|


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    ####Please let me know if you have suggestions to make this roundup better for /r/losangeleskings or if there are other subreddits that you think I should post in. I can search for posts based off keywords in the title, URL and flair. And I can also find the top comments overall or in specific threads.

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