[Acee] A.J. Preller continued on Tuesday to conduct business…lending credence to the belief he will return for a 10th season…It is also expected that manager Bob Melvin will return, according to people who have talked to both men.

[Acee] A.J. Preller continued on Tuesday to conduct business…lending credence to the belief he will return for a 10th season…It is also expected that manager Bob Melvin will return, according to people who have talked to both men.

  1. “The men were involved in a meeting Monday that was described as productive by two people who were briefed on the meeting.”

  2. This is the kind of news I have been looking for, even is it’s from Mr. Ass (I mean Acee)!

  3. Honestly I’m fine with this. If both are returning, I’d assume that means they’ve come to a compromise, which is good to see (especially for AJ, considering his ego)

  4. Wow, so Kevin and Dennis don’t know what’s going on with this team after all.

  5. Goes to show that we’re better off ignoring most, if not all, of what “journalists” are pushing about the team.

    For the last couple weeks, everything you’d read about the Padres was how awful AJ and BoMel’s relationship is and how “inside sources” were saying there was no way for them to continue working with each other.

    What do we get this week? A statement from Seidler saying how current leadership has his full support and now these same “journalists” are flipping to say how both BoMel and AJ look like they’re coming back.

    We’re better off just listening to what leadership is actually saying and doing instead of all these sensationalist stories that get put out with the intention of getting a reaction and engagement out of fans

  6. Dude is a disgrace!! He can’t communicate or manage people!!! It’s disturbing that ownership can’t figure this out! When people don’t want to work for you they just go through the motions and collect their check! And go home!! If AJ stays another year, we will for sure suffer the consequences!!! Siedler needs to sell the team if he can’t make the hard decisions that every owner in business has to go through.

  7. I like the move keeping both personally.

    But at this point the finger can only be pointed at Seidler if it goes belly up again.

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