Trevor Bauer?

Does this change anyone or MLB’s opinion on Trevor Bauer? Should the Pirates look to sign him?

It seems like he wasn’t convicted of anything and they settled after cross-suing defamation cases.

This seems like a golden opportunity for a struggling MLB team to get a potential all-star level pitcher.


  1. Besides all the legal issues, he has always been a headache for teams hence why he has been traded so much. You didn’t hear any of his former managers or significant teammates defend his character when all the accusations came out either.

    Not really a great idea to add a personality like this to your mix when you are trying to build a certain type of culture and it’s in an infant and fragile stage.

  2. if this changed teams’ appetite for signing him then the pirates aren’t going to afford him

  3. What is up with all the Bauer posts in here the last few days? Is this some pirates management team trolling to gauge fan reactions. Legal issues aside, he is a clubhouse cancer. Let the LOLMets sign him and ruin their clubhouse instead.

  4. If we could sign him we absolutely should. He did nothing wrong and would immediately be our best pitcher.

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