Now hiring for Bistro Dennis! Apply within for details

Most of the comments on YouTube give me brain damage from reading, but this might be the single best comment I’ve ever read. This shit had me rolling so I thought I’d share with my boys in this sub. Who Dat!

  1. Derek pitching the specials:

    “And today we have a fresh, slow roasted dogshit, set over a garbage purée with a side of holding the ball too long”

    “Can you substitute that for horseshit or bullshit?”

    “Yes of course. Would you like that dumpster fire broiled, or roasted over a slow developing 3rd and short?”

    “I’d prefer it still red^zonestallout in the middle, can y’all do that?”

    “Why yes of course. Excellent choice ma’am!”


  2. Then when you ask for the manager, Mickey Loomis comes out in a finely pressed Italian suit.

    “What seems to be the problem, sir?”

    “My food tastes like shit.”

    “Ah I see. That is regrettable and I understand your frustration. We are doing everything we can to be better.”

    “Can I get a refund?”

    “Not at this time.”

    “Can I at least get something else cooked by a different chef?”


    Fuck Bistro Dennis man, that place sucks. I left a 1 star Google Review.

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