Online bullying works, folks.

Online bullying works, folks.

  1. Never underestimate the power of the mighty Nick Underhill! The bad ass Brooke K! ( Don’t want to butcher her name) and the Magnificent Mikey Trip!!

  2. It’s shocking so much pressure had to be applied to force him to make common sense, reasonable play calls. Even then, I still noticed some dumb play calling throughout the game. I’m glad we won, but it feels like a pyrrhic victory. It’s going to buy Pete more time and I would preferred to see him go, or at least be replaced as the play caller. I don’t think the offense with reach the height the talent is capable of with him as OC. I hope I’m wrong.

  3. The play calling was better but the difference maker was the offensive line. Who would have thought that if Carr has more than 1.6 seconds to throw the ball he could do so.

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