“He looks like an un-made bed there” – announcers comment on tyler bertuzzi

“He looks like an un-made bed there” – announcers comment on tyler bertuzzi

“He looks like an un-made bed there” – announcers comment on tyler bertuzzi
byu/oystertoe innhl

  1. I understand the intent was lighthearted but it’s an overdone ‘take’ at this point and unnecessary, in my opinion.

  2. How about the announcers announce and STFU. Bertuzzi is a great hockey player … that should be it

  3. I’m sorry, Tyler couldn’t hear you. He’s too busy counting his millions.

  4. What’s the problem with the elbow pad?

    For the tape on the stick isn’t dangerous to play with out tape or anything blocking the hole in the stick?

  5. I kind of love that he’s just like “oh yeah, I have a preseason hockey game tonight. Can you drop me off at the arena? And also stop at DICK’S for a couple twigs?”

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