Sean Payton is losing it

It seems like a laughable faux-pas, but a head coach should recognize that opposing staff are watching for any detail or information exposed.

In baseball, pitchers and catchers cover their mouths to prevent lip reading. We know that Belichick will record practices.

I’d imagine defensive staff could gleam a ton of information from this one picture, if they weren’t watching Payton during the whole game.

I’d imagine a sharp coach would prevent any info leaked out, including hiding playcards.

EDIT: after reading some responses, I did a quick search of play cards. Many coaches do not hide their cards, although oddly they will use them to shield their mouths as they call plays. However, there is also a poorly kept secret that coaches have an assistant that monitors any info leaked, ie [sign stealers](

  1. I dunno. They can’t see the card during the game, and I expect there isn’t a ton there that can be used for the next game.

  2. I was thinking the same thing, but these are weekly charts based on this screenshot. So it could be something where they toss them and make a new one every week with different call words used. But that seems like a lot of extra work when you could just fucking obscure it!

  3. I’ll take an order of the double quail.

    I was wondering why he had a mischievous grin during that close up of him.

  4. The plays he used to give Brees were ALOT longer then these so either theres a method they use or Russ is just that much dumber lmao

  5. Almost every playcaller has this type of card with the back of it being exposed to the cameras every week

  6. This is just gibberish without inside knowledge. I do wonder why the refs name is at the top. “Plays that will be flagged”

  7. This isn’t it. Denver doesn’t have a good team in pretty much every facet of play. He is working with the equivalent of the 2017 Browns if not worse.

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