Possible leak of the city edition?

Possible leak of the city edition?

  1. Not a fan of it personally. If this is legit I think this and last years have been misses.

  2. If so I actually sort of like it but not the colors of the tower. Thought this was golden state for a second lol. And if we’re picking city land marks just throw the god damn Alamo on there

  3. Pink , brown , orange, warriors blue and yellow? Wtf man.

    We got the dollar bin leftover colors after everyone else picked their shit. I mean outside of babyshit green and stomach bile yellow, these colors couldn’t suck more imo. I feel like we got the neopolitan option this year , pink, white , brown lol

  4. This looks like shit. The type of shit you see in a high school design competition where you say “Wow that looks great!” because you know they put a lot of effort into it but you know damn well that their shit is mediocre, even for a high school competition.

    ^^no ^^offense ^^if ^^you ^^made ^^this ^^OP

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