Suter is awesome. Watch this play he makes 5(!) stick checks on 3 different players that lead to the Soucy goal.

Suter is awesome. Watch this play he makes 5(!) stick checks on 3 different players that lead to the Soucy goal.

  1. He’s so good defensively, I always watch his play without the puck during the game and he’s always doing something smart

  2. And someone had the blisteringly hot take of “Suter isn’t an NHL player, he’s gotta go” on the Tampa game thread.

  3. Great play by Suter to hound from behind and be annoying, making it hard to get the puck out, and great play by Soucy to take advantage of the space that was given to him.

  4. I would be happy if he doesn’t get a single point the entire year so long as he performs well enough on defense and gets the puck where he needs it to be

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