Damian Lillard in his Bucks debut: 39 points, 8 rebounds and 4 assists

Highest points ever for a Bucks player in a debut. Was insanely clutch in this close game – as a Bucks fan I couldn’t be happier right now.

Source: [https://www.espn.com/nba/boxscore/\_/gameId/401584703](https://www.espn.com/nba/boxscore/_/gameId/401584703)

  1. I truly believe that Dame will wind up being one of the best players on the Bucks roster

  2. Can’t wait to see how this sub suddenly changes its opinion on Dame now that he’s playing next to legit talent

  3. That’s why you have to make that trade. Giannis didn’t have his A game, Middleton on a minutes restriction, and none of it matters. Dame is the guy that makes shit happen when Milwaukee used to have its offense stall.

  4. seeing Bucks fans experience Dame Time was truly a delight… take care of him 🥹⌚️❤️

  5. This was one of those games we lose every single year before this I am so beyond hyped

  6. Because of the shooting threats around him and the force of nature Giannis is the Sixers didn’t wanna send a double at Dame and Dame is such a great passer in those situations. He’s proven that, doubles/traps don’t really faze him, so the Sixers took the chance with Oubre on Dame, putting size on Dame, and he just didn’t have the quickness/footwork to keep up. Dame’s quickness at 33 is still so astounding. Still so quick, still one of the best dribblers in the game, still so smart with changes of speeds and so many tricks to throw his defenders off balance. He’s incredible and if he’s gonna face single coverages like this throughout the year…watch out. He’s primed to have his best season yet.

    I also love the fact that in his first regular season game Dame is the one who was allowed to take this game over and really be the conductor. It’s such a natural fit and they’re allowing him to be who he is.

  7. Remember though, Miami never actually even wanted him because he’s old and makes a lot of money

  8. Regular season Dame >>>>>>> preseason Dame

    I was slightly worried but I guess he just didn’t really care that much in the preseason

  9. Like watching your girlfriend get married to the nice guy millionaire doctor who is going to treat her well

  10. Dame is a godsend for this team, he pretty much solved all their late game offensive struggles in one night. Imagine in the playoffs, and Giannis didn’t even have a good game (without looking at box score numbers).

  11. Watching another fan base freak out about what we became so used to is awesome. Go bucks baby

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