Steph decided to make him dance

Steph decided to make him dance

Steph decided to make him dance
byu/shanks_you inwarriors

  1. Chef Curry with a nice plate of double crossover topped with a flyby.


    *Give that guy a map, where are you going?*

  2. It’s crazy that Steph is both the best and the most entertaining player. His skill set, his competitiveness, his celebration reaction, his inner-kid joy… No one is even close to him.

  3. Reminds me of the old saying: “Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.” In this case, Brooks is on Steph for 7 seconds, and there are actually two 0.1-second moments where he is actually covering him.

  4. Anyone else feel like Steph is doing waaay more behind the back dribbles this year? His handle is nuts right now.

  5. If you look carefully, even Draymond got crossed that he couldn’t even set his screen lmao

  6. Watching this thinking who’s that clown… Looks familiar. Forgot db is with the rockets.

  7. I love when he resets the first time how he’s not even in a defensive stance. Legs nearly straight, bent over at the waist. Full panic mode. The fly by where he sticks his hands straight out is just the icing on the cake.

  8. I didn’t know I still disliked Brooks, until I saw this display of greatness. Felt really good to see guy get cooked.

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