The court we will play on for the entirety of the in-season tournament. All teams have same court design but with their own colors/logos (and trust me, ours is nice in comparison)

The court we will play on for the entirety of the in-season tournament. All teams have same court design but with their own colors/logos (and trust me, ours is nice in comparison)

  1. Why didn’t they just keep the court its normal color and just change the baseline.

  2. I guess if the uniforms are only worn for the in-season tournament it doesn’t look as bad. Still doesn’t look good though.

  3. NBA really threw this together in MS Paint and rolled with it.

    This is basketball terrorism.

  4. Idk man I like it. Definitely out there and I’m glad it isn’t our court every game, but for a couple games I don’t mind it. The lift as we fly bit is weird.

  5. Your daily reminder that Peach Hoops was not consulted on all official Hawks graphic design decisions!

  6. “lift as we fly” no caps and times new Roman and it looks like the court is highlighted like we’re trying copy and paste the image somewhere. I don’t dislike the paint tho ig

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