[Dan] Dick Bremer out as Twins play-by-play man (from article – health not a factor, Twins wanted a change)

[Dan] Dick Bremer out as Twins play-by-play man (from article – health not a factor, Twins wanted a change)

  1. > A high-ranking team official confirmed health isn’t a factor in the decision; the Twins instead want a change in the booth. Other than a statement in the team’s press release, Bremer declined to comment.

    A) very happy to hear health wasn’t a factor, that was something I was wondering

    B) the Twins forcing Dick out (that’s what it’s sounding like here) really, really sours me, and that’s gonna leave a bad taste in my mouth for awhile

  2. I wish Dick had been able to go out on his own terms. It’s a tough business and it’s bittersweet knowing that it wasn’t his choice to leave the booth. I’ll miss his voice for sure.

    I was very disappointed when Dave Benz was let go by the Timberwolves. However, I will say that Michael Grady has been an excellent replacement and I think is better. I hope that whoever they choose will be an able replacement for Dick.

  3. If this is true…I don’t even know what to say. He is fantastic at his job, even with the difficulties the last few years of working with a new partner every roadtrip/home stand, and I think most fans love him. Please tell me the Twins didn’t do this.

  4. *Reeeaaaallllyyy* interested in hearing their reason for wanting a change. Dick has been the gold standard in local market broadcasting for the better part of 4 decades.

  5. Well that’s disappointing.

    Here’s hoping for some vocal continuity. The TV gig should be Provus’ to turn down and if he accepts it offer Atteberry the mic that arguably should have been his the last time it was open.

  6. It is going to take me a while to get over this. I’m talking a couple of years at least.

  7. Well this is just sad.

    I thought it was odd that it was suddenly announced this morning, and that Dick didn’t say anything at the end of the season where he would have had a chance to say goodbye.

    I certainly was open to the possibility that he did not announce his own retirement because he didn’t want to make the game about himself, especially in the leadup to the playoffs, but seeing that this was not his own decision would seem to end that. The fact that it appears to have been the Twins decision, and they didn’t tell him before the end of the season, where he could have said goodbye, really just makes it extra insulting both to Dick and the fans.

    And it makes me respect Dick that much more. It’s not surprising, but he’s handled this with far more class and dignity than the Twins deserve.

  8. Happy it isn’t health related, but assuming it’s true and he was pushed out of the booth by the team, I feel totally different about this than I did this morning.

    Bremer was a major reason I was willing to plunk down $$$ on a MLB.tv subscription.

  9. If it’s true that the Twins forced him out, that REALLY leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Like, to the point that if it’s true, I likely will not be attending any games in the coming years, buying any merch, or paying to stream games.

    I truly hate this decision and if it’s true that he was forced out, I don’t know that I want to support this organization any longer.

  10. The *Twins* wanted to move on from Dick??? For what reason?

    I genuinely don’t understand

  11. The Twins will not get my money nor my support for a very long time because of this, what the fuck, IT WASNT HIS DECISION?!

  12. I wish the man a wonderful, well-earned retirement.

    But the Twins “wanting a change” makes this worse.

    I know this day has been coming, and without having someone else who has been slowly working into the role, this just feels idiotic. Unless he was unwilling to share the role, but that doesn’t sound like him.

    Dick hasn’t missed many games over the last 10 or so years I’ve been watching. When he got COVID, grabbing Cory Provus made a ton of sense, because on the radio side, they shift people around all the time. When he was out a series last year and they brought a guy up from Chicago, I was not a fan. Anthony LaPanta has filled in a few times as well, but that also doesn’t feel like a permanent option.

    And I hope “going a different direction” doesn’t mean sharing a broadcast between TV and Radio…

  13. Next year we’ll get some young, whiz-bang hotshot. There will be lots of quick cuts, catch phrases, and soundboard effects.

  14. Really annoying and upsetting that the Twins are forcing Bremer out. Should’ve been allowed to continue as long as he possibly could like Vin Scully was in LA. They aren’t gonna find a better replacement. Provis is fantastic, but he’s not Dick Bremer.

    I have a feeling we’re gonna end up with some random announcer guy/lady that has no personal attachment to the Twins. Which would suck.

  15. That’s really sad to hear. With the timing and the way it just dropped, really didn’t feel like this was his call.

    I’m assuming the fact he is the gold standard & commands that type money & treatment, factors into whatever entity decides to shell out for broadcasting the games. This is likely a result of someone being priced out after a corporate restructure. Fuck that. Not a good look for the franchise.

  16. Everyone bring NSFW signs to games next year.
    So many variations could be used. “Twins need Dick”.

  17. If this is true, what time are we meeting up for the protest? I can imagine all the signs now… WE WANT DICK! …. STOP TRYING TO TAKE OUT DICK AWAY! … WHERE’S DICK!?! … THE TWINS ARE DICKLESS!

  18. He better be inducted to the Twins HoF next season, and it better be in front of a packed house.

  19. I’m going to hold off final judgement until I know a bit more about the situation. I work on a team of people close to retirement and have seen a lot of exchanges similar to what might’ve happened:

    Dick: “I’m probably going to retire soon”

    Team: “how about now? You just finished year 40 and we’ve been thinking about shaking things up a bit on the broadcast once we switch providers”

    Dick: “I don’t know, I don’t think I’m ready to totally hang it up yet.”

    Team: “how about moving into this semi-retirement advisory position for a few years?”

    Dick: “ok”

    My point is that there’s a lot of gray area between letting a person 100% make their own decision to retire and firing them and most people’s careers end somewhere in that area.

  20. Ya’ll really gonna kick him out like this? Couldn’t have let him say goodbye to Twins Territory after four decades of being their voice? What a disgraceful move by upper management.

  21. FUCK THE TWINS. are you kidding me?? 40 years in the booth and this is how you do our guy?

    Fucking awful.

  22. I wouldn’t read too much into this. There are dozens of reasons for a change in the booth. I suspect the Bally’s mess had something to do with it. But honestly, I don’t know and I don’t care.

    Dick had a tremendous run of 40 years and it sounds like whatever the reason he’s gone, there’s no hard feelings.

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