Arguably the best half-court action tonight. Win or lose, this is great basketball

Arguably the best half-court action tonight. Win or lose, this is great basketball

Arguably the best half-court action tonight. Win or lose, this is great basketball
byu/HQuasar inNBASpurs

  1. Important things to note here. Some things are happening that normally don’t happen:

    – The ball is moving and touching everyone’s hands.

    – People are moving off the ball and cutting.

    – Tre stops and looks at where everyone is standing before beginning the offense, instead of dribbling without purpose.

    – The ball always comes back into Tre’s hands (I know it’s how the play flows, but I think he’d still be looking for the ball in case the play had broken down).

    – There are good shooters on the floor. The paint is wide open.

  2. When Tre is on the court he makes good things happen. As opposed to when we trot out Sochan at PG and shit ourselves

  3. Its because this is the only few times players are cutting and moving, im still not the biggest fan because theres still clutter in the spacing like always (i.e Mcdermott maybe should have cut across to the right corner near the end knowing Tre was coming near instead of clogging up the left side when Tre has the ball)

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