Josh Allen’s truck winner: Buffalo man takes $100,000 over pickup

Is the winner in here? I would have taken the truck! 😅

  1. Do you have the $20K to cover the taxes you’ll owe by winning? It’s treated as earned income.

  2. not want to incur the taxes associated with winning the truck.

    That’s the important part.

  3. This depends inherently on the trade in value of the truck. If the truck has a trade in value of $125k, you take the truck and trade it in. Even if the dealer skims some off the top, you’re still taking more than $100k home. Then you pay taxes on it just as you would for the $100k cash prize.

    So whichever nets you more after taxes, take that. Easy peasy.

    Edit: no idea what the downvotes are for. I’m not saying the truck or the cash is better, just whichever gives the highest payout is.

  4. My daughter would’ve made us take the truck. And she can’t even drive yet 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  5. There are very few vehicles I would take over the 100k that’s a lot of freaking money. Would help me pay off my current car with a ton of money left over

  6. 60K or the truck and I have to think long and hard. I’m taking the hundred grand every time

  7. It only makes sense to pick the truck if you were planning to buy that exact truck anyways. Otherwise take the 100k and get whatever you prefer.

  8. Either way, you have to pay taxes on the winnings. Having it taken directly from the 100k is much easier than having to pay it against the truck.

  9. But does Josh Allen himself give you a road handy in your new truck? Because that may change the math

  10. So does West Herr just put this out on the lot with all the other used cars? I’m guessing an employee has already called dibs on buying it…..

  11. Aww man it’s got one of those super annoying blinding light bars on it. Prolly has truck nuts, too.

  12. The 100,000 is nice, but the truck could be worth anything. It could even be worth 100,000!

  13. Y’all who would have taken the cash are gonna die poor. You just take the truck and charge 200 bucks a pop at the tailgate to sniff the seat. Would make the 100k back by the Bye week.


  14. 2019 F-150 Raptor with 30k miles or less goes for $50,000 to $90,000 with the majority of them falling between $55,000 and $65,000.

    The fact that it was joshs, is autographed by him and is custom probably makes it and $80,000+ truck to the right buyer.

    I still would take the money. Gonna have to pay taxes in either option and it’s a lot easier to pay taxes out of the $100,000

  15. I think I would as well. Love Josh, the truck looks sick but… 100k will take me a lot farther than a truck

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