How do the refs miss this? He pulled him backwards by his facemask.

Insane missed call.

How do the refs miss this? He pulled him backwards by his facemask.
byu/brandon520 inBrowns

  1. They lost a 30 yard play on an absolute phantom offensive pass interference. Im not gonna to angry about this.

  2. Don’t forget the defenseless Goodwin who got targeted and hasn’t played since. Had to be carried off the field. Announcers didn’t say shit obviously

  3. from that angle it could have been his collar bone area on the shoulder pads. Hunt probably would have popped up and asked for a flag if it was his mask.

  4. We sure that’s the facemask? Kinda looked like he grabbed under the shoulder pads

  5. Dude did you even watch the video? You can very clearly see his hand is in the chestpad

  6. I didn’t catch that earlier, that was bad. The Good news is we got called for an illegal shift the next play.

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