Best Orioles Logo

Best Orioles Logo

  1. So weird they had second base on the logo for the 98 season and then someone was like “this HAS to go!”

  2. ‘66-69 is so perfect, clean, balanced both layout and color with the orange pop.

    It’s successor ‘70-‘91 is second, and I can see preferring it with more overall punch.

  3. This is probably the toughest one for me bc they’re all cool in their own right. But I love my cap with the new logo on it.

  4. I think 09-18 gets the slight edge but I really like the bold font on 92-94. The bird is better in the 09-18 one tho

  5. this is a more expansive answer but the perfect Os set up is the 1970 James on the shoulder the super bold 92 letting with the black O’s hat and the 90s bird alternative hat.

  6. That green diamond background clashed so fucking badly. Whoever came up with those needs to be hired again just to be immediately fired.

  7. I feel like these historical logo comps are cherry-picking the alt logos they use to represent each era. I consider a team’s true logo to be what’s on their caps, and that **cartoon oriole head** was on the Orioles caps from [1966-88]( They refined it slightly for the current version in 2019, but it’s virtually the same. *the cartoon bird is the best though.

  8. 1.) 2019-Pres

    2.) 1970-1991 (grew up with it)

    3.) Don’t care for any others, but 1954-1965 is the worst.

  9. 95-2008 ones are the nicest because the green adds a cool touch. But besides those, current is great

  10. I think the current is one of the best logos in baseball. The original logo is my second favorite.

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