Post Game Thread: Carolina Hurricanes at Florida Panthers – 10 Nov 2023


FLA wins, 2 – 5 .

[ Boxscore](

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  1. *sigh*

    Another night, another W against the Tropical Depressions


    And idc who got a star, Kulikov was *insane* tonight

  2. Welcome to Florida. We know a thing or two about Hurricanes.

    Kulikov is the First star in my heart Canes had 3 shots in 3/4 into the third.

  3. This team is playing so well right. I never thought they would get to 8-4-1 with a rag tag group of all left shot defensemen. Our defensive play has actually been a major strength for the first time in years. We have a very real chance of winning the next two games if we keep playing like this. If the power play can get going we will be unstoppable

  4. Oof. Great game boys. I mean damn. There are things to work on but goddamn. Imma just enjoy this one

  5. Definitely the best Tkachuk has played this season. The defense is so much better than it was to start the season last year. Also I know it’s very early but it seems like Maurice has found a way to get this team to play their style more effectively in the regular season. Very happy with the trajectory of this team right now

  6. i like how chuck didnt shy away from sticking the needle in a little pregame and postgame on owning the canes last year. and hell not to mention during the game lol.

  7. What I really like about this group right now is yeah, some guys make mistakes, some guys get hot, some guys cool off, but I don’t have a sense of undeniable dread when a particular line goes out. All 4 lines are really digging deep.

  8. Did anyone notice the energy from Cousins? He was channeling his inner Lomberg.

    I’ve been a critic before, but he went hard tonight.

  9. Some lady behind me says, “Hurricane…. that wasn’t even a tropical storm!!!” There were a few chuckles… then, “yeahh… the kids would still have to go to school in that storm!”

  10. Tonight reminded me of some games from last season. We fall behind early, tie it up, have some good chances that amount to nothing. And then there’s a moment where as a Cat fan watching on my couch, I sense that the Panthers are going to go on to win.

    It’s so nice to see Barkov making things happen on both ends of the ice. Love the way the team is putting it together at the moment.

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