Mavs announcer Brian Dameris went off on James Harden πŸ‘€

Mavs announcer Brian Dameris went off on James Harden πŸ‘€

  1. Brian had this game circled and rehearsed.

    He told them to put Camera 2 on him and step tf back.

  2. For 2 straight minutes without a break he just straight up eviscerated Harden. And there were no lies either.

  3. I thought for sure they would cut Brian off for a commercial break. When I thought he was reaching his conclusion he kept going. Man woke up and said what he and everyone else feels about James.

  4. Well this is funny and all but hopefully Harden doesn’t take this personally and comes out with a vengeance on our next matchup

  5. Harden was literally the only reason that the sixers won two of their three games vs Boston he completely carried them that’s series. It really showed that series who the real big dog was on that team. And this guy better watch out, maybe he doesn’t know what happened to Moses Malone Jr.

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