🏀🔴🟡⚫️ I design a new Atlanta Hawks jersey after every win this season: “Dark Mode”

– Record: 6-4
– 126-120 @ Pistons

IG: @sgzjzy | Twitter: @mrjojostephens

  1. Looks great…wonder if having the number on the ball (and maybe reposition the hawk) would look cleaner.

  2. game! This time, it’s a bold fusion of vibrant red, yellow, and black, symbolizing the team’s fierce energy on the court. Did you know that the Hawks were the first NBA team to integrate African-American players? Inspiring, right? Let’s cheer for diversity and slam-dunk success together! 🏀🔴🟡⚫️

  3. how do every single one of these mock ups slap so much harder than any of the current jerseys we have

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