Vintage vs new version

I actually like the location of the newer hat but it has an extremely short bill and doesn’t continue the triangle to the top corners otherwise I will wear it more than the vintage.

Also does anyone know how to restore or clean old hats?

  1. For cleaning, what I first heard from RA on Spittin Chiclets and have done myself is wear the hat into the shower next time you shower and use soap to “shampoo” the hat while wearing it and then take off the hat to scrub the inside. Then let it air dry, but I guess you could use a hair dryer too if you wanted it quicker, I just wouldn’t stick it in an actual dryer.

    I did go out and buy a plain bar of soap for this because I was hesitant about whatever additives might be in body wash or shampoo and if they would stain or bleach or whatever the hat.

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