Vintage Signed polo

I found this polo at a estate sale and wanted to see if anyone has any idea what year it is or any information. I’m thinking about gifting it to my father but not sure if he’d have any actual care for it.

  1. well, Ray Brown #34 started playing with them in 1973, and he went to the saints in ‘78, so we can comfortably assume it is probably within that time span.

  2. I’m being lazy and not researching but believe that’s at least William Andrew’s and Billy Whiteshoes Johnson. Not sure the price but I can almost guarantee your pops would love this. Buy it.

  3. It’s definitely a mix. Billy Whiteshoes and William Andrew’s were early the night 80s. Harmon Wages was early 70s. He was also a local sportscaster and party boy.

  4. Gerald Riggs was ‘82-88. Williams Andrews was ’79-86. Tom Pridemore was ‘78-85. He was also a West Virginia state delegate for two years during his NFL career. Wallace Francis was ‘75-81. Billy Johnson was ‘82-87. Bobby Butler was ‘81-92. Stacey Bailey was ’82-90. Harmon Wages was ‘68-71, 73. Ray Brown ‘71-77. RC Thieleman ‘77-84. Drew Hill ‘92-93. Don’t know who’s signature is on the left #55??

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