I quick shout out to a guy who I always loved as a Jet

I quick shout out to a guy who I always loved as a Jet

  1. Nah I’ll never forgive him for week 17 vs that shitty Rex Ryan bill team where he threw like 5 picks so we missed the playoffs brutal

  2. Fitzmagic would definitely take this team to the playoffs, the offense is worse than what he had but the defense is better

  3. The definition of mediocre right there….

    ….And yet we’d probably be 7-2 with him right now.

  4. Played like shit in 2016, got benched, and threw everyone under the bus after Geno tore his ACL and he had to come back in. Selfish piece of shit who gets memed so everyone thinks he’s a good guy. Fuck him

  5. I was done with Fitzpatrick once he started openly parading himself as a Bills fan. Yeah he did some nice things for us, but we were just one of the many stops he had. Truth is he probably doesn’t care for the Jets at all. I’ve never heard him speak positively about the franchise since he’s been retired.

  6. I implore you all to watch him on the manning cast week 1. He is not a jets fan and clearly was rooting against the jets during the broadcast despite flip-flopping hats to show he was “on both team’s side”

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