Sad but true

Sad but true

  1. Joe was injured when the season started and left the game due to injury, Allen hasn’t plus he seems to have plateaued a little, to put it in basketball terms his plus/minus is close to zero this year.

  2. I feel bad for Joe tonight truly. But injuries seems to be a pass for some but not for all.

    Josh played through a UCL injury last season. And is currently playing through a shoulder injury right now. Nobody gave hm a pass for either.

    2 years in a row Joe has caused his team to have a slow start because of his play due to injury’s. This year it will most likely cause his team the playoffs. When can be start holding this against him? As unfair as it is not being able to stay health is a knock.

  3. Shitting on a QB that hasn’t been 100% most of the year and goes out for the year tonight. Weird flex man.

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