Might have gone a little overboard

Might have gone a little overboard

  1. Within 10 minutes of us winning, I had already ordered $200+ in merch. I’m going to cherish this World Series until I die.

  2. Wife and I spent a little over $300. I could’ve easily racked it up more, but had to draw the line somewhere.

  3. Looks like a well-rounded Rangers fan capsule wardrobe. 7 days in the week and 8 shirt options.

    You take off the Seager shirt once you come home from church for one of your slightly less fancy options.

  4. I ordered a Hoodie and a magnet from Fanatics. Shipment got here Wednesday. Hoodie is damaged and the magnet was a 2019 San Francisco Giants Spring training ‘47 brand tee. Replacements are on the way.

  5. I ended up grabbing a sweatshirt for it. But I think my most prized merch is my red rangers jersey that they’ve “retired” but hoping they bring it back!

  6. There is no overboard! I love to see it. I am loving finally seeing all the rangers gear out and about. I dropped probably $300 before Heim made it to Sborz after the last out.

    I visited a friend this summer down in Houston (gross I know) and the amount of Astros gear was mind boggling. Everywhere you looked. That’s what 7 straight ALCS and 1 world series ring will do to a place.

    I can’t wait to see that here!

  7. I’ve got a couple of shirts, three hats, a pennant, keychains and stickers. And a bunch more on my Christmas list. I really want that Seager shirt you grabbed.

  8. Until a news crew shows up at your door early one morning to do a lighthearted fluff piece on you, you haven’t gone overboard.

  9. My justification was that my dad had this old Utah Jazz (grew up in Utah) stuff from when they were so good in the 90s. When I got big enough those clothes fit me. Now I want to pass on that same “golden age” of this team to my son who’s two years old. Never getting rid of these shirts or hats.

  10. We feel ya, fam! Too much is not enough in this instance. When the Stars win the Cup next summer, I will spend the same, if not more, on their championship merch!

  11. Oh no, not even. First World Series! If it was the 15th or something, aight buddy, leave the CC at home. It’s the first one! I bought a $200 WS Seagar Jesery. Lol

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