I did a redesign of the Los Dodgers unis with the look of the wbc Mexico, what do you guys think?

Fun fact!!: The font used in wbc is based on the 1968 Olympics which were In Mexico and the font is used to this very day!

  1. I don’t like em. I hate the Los dodgers on the city connect jerseys and I hate it here. I know it’s the wbc but the numbers feel too much like the blue jays.

  2. I’d say remove the Mexican flag cause the Dodgers represent more latinos/Latinas than just Mexican fans but other than that good idea

  3. You had me at high socks!

    The only thing that saved the city connects for me was when a player choose to wear short pants and tall socks.

    I do like the look of this…and I don’t thing the swoosh-y thing under the name works in this this style though. Maybe just two lines? Overall I think it looks clean with a nice touch of blue everywhere. Well done : )

  4. I prefer the current city connect jerseys, but I think these fit the spirt of the city connect concept a bit more. But yeah, does look a little Blue Jaysish. Incorporating some colors of the flag of Los Angeles may make it look more original, but it’d be sacrilegious to not use Dodger Blue.

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