Excuse me while I stare at this for the next 24 hours

Excuse me while I stare at this for the next 24 hours

  1. Thought humanity would have landed on Mars before seeing this. Not long ago we were giving out high fives because we landed DLo to play alongside Kat and a bunch of g leaguers.

  2. Checking the NBA standings religiously instead of checking Tankathon religiously is more fun. Who knew?

  3. I know Rosas isn’t the best person but it is largely because of him we are in this position. He absolutely nailed it with the Edwards and McDaniels pick which is largely the reason we are here

  4. The Grizzlies are also third from the bottom with an iverse record to us. It brings joy to my heart watching us succeed and then absolutely such ass.

    Maybe there is a god, all praise be

  5. I looked back, last time we were in first place with at least 1 loss (so not 1-0, or 2-0) was…

    You guessed it. WCF run KG led Wolves.

    Wolves Back!

    Naz Reid.

  6. Every win is a pinch me I’m dreaming moment.

    And yet, I still feel like they have not not gotten close to the team they could be.

  7. It’s been a hell of a season so far! I can’t wait for it all to come crashing down in the most heartbreaking/Minnesota way possible

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