Jamo was the first offensive player to congratulate Hutch.

All heart.

  1. Of course he was. He’s a good dude and a Lion 1000%. Everyone on this team wants everyone else to succeed almost as much as they want to succeed themselves. I LOVE seeing it. This is a TEAM. One person gets down someone else picks them up. This is how you win long term. LFG Lions!

  2. Pretty soon yall are gonna be posting video of Jamo washing his hands after he goes to the bathroom so you can prove to everyone he is such a good guy!

  3. “Fastest guy on team was first to a spot” 😂🤣

    Joking aside, I seriously love this kids attitude!!

  4. Sometimes I feel like people trying to convince others Jamo isn’t Jeffrey Dahmer. 😂 come on.

  5. Jamo and Chase Lucas have got to be some of the best teammates you can have. Those two hype up their teammates so much. Love it

  6. Im starting to think Jamo might be a Lions fan that pulled the long con to finally get on the team now he’s just livin it up.

    He has such a positive vibe to him, always looks like he’s a kid in a candy shop

  7. With his speed it’s easy to get there first. He’s gaining trust and respect from the team. Hutchinson was sure fired up and so was Montgomery when he scored his late TD. This team just showed the league that a lead isn’t safe, even late in the game! That stat makes teams nervous and that’s how mistakes are made

  8. When he smiles, you know he just lights up a room with his energy.

    I am so happy for him.

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