Outside AFC North, Denver has to be my least favorite team for ruining my 12, 13 and 15th year of life

Outside AFC North, Denver has to be my least favorite team for ruining my 12, 13 and 15th year of life

  1. It was before I was born, but it’s kind of wild that we got kicked out of the Superbowl 3 times in a 4 year span by the same team.

  2. We have to win this game. It’s not a **must** win but we have to not fuck around and just be sure we control our own destiny. Denver’s not a bad team but I’m also not sold by their surge the last few weeks. Wilson’s stats look good but the last two weeks I’ve watched, I’m consistently unimpressed by his play.

  3. I lived in Denver for a bit. They were tearing down old Mile High and it caught on fire. I could see it from my apartment and we set up chairs and drank beers watching the smoke rise (everyone was fine, it was a trash fire or something).

  4. Born and raised here. Denver fans are privileged assholes who whine about a losing season despite 3 Super Bowls in the last 25 years. I hate the Broncos.

    Cleveland doesn’t always play well in Denver, it could be even tougher for a rookie qb.

  5. I like Denver, but of course I root for Cleveland when they play. When I was a kid, before I moved to Cleveland I met Elway. I have his autograph, and a bunch of others. Kubiak, Shanahan and Atwater some of the most prominent. They came to my school.

    That said, at the time I lived in Denver, and only for a year. I also went to school with Kyle Shanahan, but he’s a few years older than me. Then I moved to Cleveland.

    It was after the events of the Browns vs Broncos I became a fan of the Browns. It was many years after that I learned of all the heartache with the football and baseball teams.

  6. I’m a few years younger than you but yeah. I hated Elway. My 8th grade teacher was from Colorado and had a poster of horse teeth from those 80s/90s Read posters. I hated looking at it every day.

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