[Lakers] Under a minute on the clock, Max stepped up & locked down πŸ—œοΈ

[Lakers] Under a minute on the clock, Max stepped up & locked down πŸ—œοΈ

  1. If Mitchell pulled up from 3, he prob would’ve gotten that reach call. Otherwise, damn good defense from a 20yo on a star in a clutch moment.

  2. Absolutely insane footwork by max because mitchell would have shook almost anyone with those moves and speed. You can even see max start to lose him a bit but kept recovering.

  3. That footwork can earn him alot of money.

    He should open Onlyfans account. I would pay to see more of those.

  4. What’s key is that no help came/was needed against a scorer. Won’t always end like that, but that kind of effort will get it done more times than not.

  5. Fantastic footwork and decent close but honestly a shot Mitchell makes a lot so we got a little lucky

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