Please stop be humble

For the love of are season stop

  1. Seriously, coming from a 9ers fan living in Philly, shits real. Member what happened last year fam…some 9ers fans did it and we lost Purdy… jinx is real

  2. If I was going to fuck with the statue, I’d put a picture of Joe Frazier on the face lol

    Philly has one of Boxing’s legends from the area, and they erect a statue of fucking Stallone

  3. Imagine having a statue of a movie character in your city. Like if Detroit were to put up a RoboCop statue.

  4. 100 percent agree. Let’s keep our mouths shut and ball out. We can be as loud af after we get the W. So many times seeing the Faithful be total douch bags and then looking like a complete ahole after the game.

  5. This is stupid. We all know it’s the philli fans that do it. None of us care about a stupid statue.

  6. Grease the Rocky so you can’t climb up to put the jersey on. They grease the light poles in Philly so it shouldn’t be hard to find grease.

  7. Don’t test our luck. We can troll Rocky Statue after the game but never before that. After Elliott’s FG was made under that storm is clear that Satan supports the Eagles…

  8. FWIW. I posed with the statue wearing an SF Giants jersey 2 hours prior to 2010 NLCS Game 1. Cody Ross hit two HRs, Giants won the game, and the series.

  9. Enough with with superstitious bullshit.

    It’s a statue of a man that never existed.

    That said, don’t go to other people’s cities and deface their shit. It’s rude af.

  10. Imagine having a statue of a character from a movie as your central ‘athlete’. Sorry ass sports city.

  11. After last year, we not putting no jerseys on Rocky until after we parading down Market Street. That NFCCG hit like Ivan Drago on Apollo Creed.


  12. FWIW I saw an advertisement on Instagram where you can win a photo op with Stallone in front of the Rocky statue. The day of the photo op: December 3rd. Probably can’t get anywhere near it if you tried. Philly called the actual Rocky to be the gatekeeper for his statue

  13. I prefer it when our fans are classy and nice to the city they are in.

    Philly has enough issues

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