[Vincent Bonsignore (@VinnyBonsignore) on X] .@Raiders interim HC Antonio Pierce on Roderic Teamer release: “Whatever you do off the field, affects the decisions that are going to be made in this building. And we’re gonna do our best to protect the brand, the shield, and the Raiders organization.”

This is a quote from the press conference today.

  1. A good press conference today. AP knows he’s under a microscope and may not be the selection because it’s a results based business. Statements like this are really good to hear not only for fans but players. Set a precedent and follow through.

  2. This quote and the release tell me that LV is not fucking around after the Ruggs incident.

  3. I really hope AP gets a chance, whatever the results are the rest of the season. He’s playing with the hand McDipshit left him. I’d love to see what he could do given the time.

  4. I’ll never understand what professional athlete is doing out, let alone drinking and driving at all hours the night before a game.

  5. I get it’s still the honeymoon period but Pierce is saying and doing all the right things.

  6. My friend had what I think is a good idea for AP: give him a one-year contract with options in the future to see how he does next year without committing to a big long-term contract. I think it’s good “let’s see” solution for someone with such limited coaching experience, yet reward him for what he’s done in the short-run. Not sure MD or NFL owners would think this way

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