Believe it or not, this photo is not of a penis. It’s actually our new head coach

Believe it or not, this photo is not of a penis. It’s actually our new head coach

  1. I couldn’t picture him when I saw he was named but now that I see him I’m completely pissed. Guy is such a douche. I mean wasn’t Mike Yeo available? BG WTF are you doing?

  2. Part of me is experiencing Schadenfreude because I liked Dean and hope the people calling for his job are regretting it. The other part of me is very upset at the whole situation. I predict things will get worse before they get better. I hope I’m very wrong.

  3. I remember when the Devils hired him to be the new coach. Really not sure how to feel about this.

  4. First Yeo, now this – why do we so often end up with Lex Luthor for a coach?

    I hope he can figure out the special teams play in between disputes with Superman.

  5. Bullethead, Scrubhead, Bullethead. I’m sensing a pattern here. Dean should’ve cut his hair and been able to stay. 😉

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