Gordon’s Unsportsmanlike Flag

Gordon’s Unsportsmanlike Flag

Gordon’s Unsportsmanlike Flag
byu/dbtr8 inCHIBears

  1. It’s absolutely wild that the ref was standing right there and did absolutely nothing to support the player. He watched him get beat up and get his helmet broken and didn’t once think to say anything

  2. Ref literally watched the Vikings player start taking swings and doesn’t throw anything

  3. We should make a highlight real of bad calls against the bears. Justin fields highlight tape would be shorter than his being targeted tape.

  4. Powell has GOTTA get fined by the League for throwing punches there. That is a gross oversight that the League has got to clean up during this week.

  5. I get calling the penalty if the ref just saw a guy take his helmet off and automatically flagged it. I do not get how they didn’t pick the flag up once they could clearly see his facemask dangling as he stood there holding it out for them. Seems like a really easy thing to do.

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