Jets to ex-NFL MVP: MetLife ruining our chances for free agents

Boomer supposedly heard from sources within the Jets that they think the turf situation is hurting their ability to sign FA. When asked to clarify he said he thinks it was from “multiple players”.

I’ve got a healthy dose of skepticism when it comes to sports “sources”, but regardless I think it’s a good point and discussion worth having.

  1. Crappy turf + crappy owner + same old jets pedigree = free agents not wanting to come here? Hard to believe that!!!

  2. I mean both Jets and Giants suffer injuries on this shit turf every season. There’s a lot going against them in terms of attracting talent.

  3. With two teams (and therefore two teams worth of revenue) inhabiting the same stadium there is ZERO excuse for Metlife to not have the absolute best surface in the entire NFL. Mara is just as as-fault as Woody here btw, if not moreso.

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