Hondo’s list of HC candidates


In order discussed:

1. Antonio Pierce: 25:27 [https://youtu.be/qDEPynZbM6s?si=Ts3S0UqyV-MMOBY\_&t=1527](https://youtu.be/qDEPynZbM6s?si=Ts3S0UqyV-MMOBY_&t=1527)
2. Jon Gruden: 27:40 [https://youtu.be/qDEPynZbM6s?si=\_tSQg4c1\_h2LOT0S&t=1660](https://youtu.be/qDEPynZbM6s?si=_tSQg4c1_h2LOT0S&t=1660)
3. Rich Bisaccia: 31:52 [https://youtu.be/qDEPynZbM6s?si=dFlIO-BStrXXvKag&t=1912](https://youtu.be/qDEPynZbM6s?si=dFlIO-BStrXXvKag&t=1912)
4. DET OC Ben Johnson: 32:28 [https://youtu.be/qDEPynZbM6s?si=-4xU1De59tn2bimt&t=1948](https://youtu.be/qDEPynZbM6s?si=-4xU1De59tn2bimt&t=1948)
5. MIA OC Frank Smith 33:19 [https://youtu.be/qDEPynZbM6s?si=0sKCn7ATHdjsCC2x&t=1999](https://youtu.be/qDEPynZbM6s?si=0sKCn7ATHdjsCC2x&t=1999)
6. USC HC Lincoln Riley 34:50 [https://youtu.be/qDEPynZbM6s?si=P0pQAw7lmjZNP79v&t=2090](https://youtu.be/qDEPynZbM6s?si=P0pQAw7lmjZNP79v&t=2090) Thinks Riley’s lack of handling Caleb Williams hurt Riley’s cred
7. Former Stanford HC David Shaw: 35:36 [https://youtu.be/qDEPynZbM6s?si=YaooywGlnZVDuNRZ&t=2136](https://youtu.be/qDEPynZbM6s?si=YaooywGlnZVDuNRZ&t=2136)
8. WAS OC Eric Bieniemy: 36:12 [https://youtu.be/qDEPynZbM6s?si=wSdJjNSXX-n8kBAK&t=2172](https://youtu.be/qDEPynZbM6s?si=wSdJjNSXX-n8kBAK&t=2172)
9. CAR DC Ejiro Evero: 37:07 [https://youtu.be/qDEPynZbM6s?si=LRzdv80NqPdtZS9n&t=2227](https://youtu.be/qDEPynZbM6s?si=LRzdv80NqPdtZS9n&t=2227)
10. Iowa HC Matt Campbell: 39:49 [https://youtu.be/qDEPynZbM6s?si=PIiKxnb7S-N1uUML&t=2389](https://youtu.be/qDEPynZbM6s?si=PIiKxnb7S-N1uUML&t=2389)
11. Michigan HC Jim Harbaugh: 40:12 [https://youtu.be/qDEPynZbM6s?si=4-itUuoHxv5glXpi&t=2411](https://youtu.be/qDEPynZbM6s?si=4-itUuoHxv5glXpi&t=2411)


* Thinks Antonio Pierce is in the driver’s seat
* Gruden is a real possibility, but it would require the league to allow Gruden back in if he drops his suit. I think Gruden is pissed and will not relent until Goodell is canned and the league is exposed for its hypocrisy
* Hondo says 2 names made the list from every league source he talked to: Evero and Campbell, and that if he gets an interview Evero will get the job. It seems like Evero has some of the same vibe as Tomlin did after his stint as MIN DC
* Of the current or former college HCs, Campbell seems like the strongest candidate

My 2 cents:

* If Pierce can coach to a .500 or better for his games as interim HC, the job is his. Inheriting a shitshow mid-season is a tough situation and the team has already been better
* I don’t think Gruden will drop his suit. He’s understandably out for blood
* While it’s been the trendy thing to get an offensive-minded coach, of all the NFL coordinators, I think Evero will be most successful as HC. DeMeco Ryans is a current example of a defensive-minded coach whose rookie season has been a huge success. It’s about leadership. This is why Tomlin has been so successful
* I’ve always thought the Niners were nuts for canning Harbaugh. I thought most of his bad rap was due to his conflict with Balke, but Hondo said Harbaugh would wear out his welcome eventually

  1. Ben Johnson is at the top of everyone’s list. Sadly, I expect him to take the Chargers job. Unless Spanos does Spanos things

  2. I really hope that AP gets the job because of how the players are responding to him, but I do think we need help with the OC position, or Bo needs to show more adjustments as the games go on.

  3. I love the idea of Evero. And I know this sub hates retreads, but I think Dan Quinn is really appealing.

  4. God no Gruden please, I am so sick of all these old retreads. Del Rio, Gruden, McDaniels. It’s been a decade since they hired a fresh face

  5. rehiring gruden would be so stupid that i almost believe mark davis would actually do it

    enough of these big name, big ego head coaches who want to control the team from top to bottom. find a competent GM and let him do the coaching search

    MD needs to stay far away this time for me to have any confidence that we will make the right choice

  6. As much as my brain wants a more experienced head coach, my heart just screams AP. And it’s not like AP can’t get the job done, I feel he can, but just seeing the difference in having a coach the players respond too is amazing. He makes me pumped up and I’m not even a player, but I feel like if he asked me to return a kick in a clown costume and slippers I’d do it with pride.

  7. I love Gruden but we need to move on from him coming back. AP, David Shaw, and Harbaugh are the only ones I feel are serious

  8. am i the only person that doesn’t have the mindset that ben johnson automatically becomes a great HC?

    guy’s been in the lions system for years and this year that he’s OC and the lions are looking good, people are acting like he’ll be a godlike HC. surely people can’t be fooled into the up and comer coordinator situation again right?

    this hondo list is pretty faded if we’re being real

  9. > I think Gruden is pissed and will not relent until Goodell is canned and the league is exposed for its hypocrisy

    True Raider shit

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