[Nightingale Jr.] Cory Provus announced Twins TV broadcasts will not be subject to blackouts anymore. Twins haven’t announced their TV home, but all fans will have access to watch

[Nightingale Jr.] Cory Provus announced Twins TV broadcasts will not be subject to blackouts anymore. Twins haven’t announced their TV home, but all fans will have access to watch

  1. Hallelujah!!!! This is a great day for MLB.tv subscribers! Though I would like clarification if this means they’re off the entire thing, or require a different local subscription – in which case there still would effectively be a “blackout” for regular MLB.tv unless you add in the local team package.

  2. AWESOME news!! It should have never been this difficult to get access to your home town baseball team’s broadcast.

  3. The “blackout issue” is what Dan Hayes already reported a couple weeks ago. Clearly, whatever they end up with for TV will include an in-market streaming option. Presumably it will be similar to what San Diego was forced to do after getting dropped by Ballys – where they offered an in-market subscription that was separate from their out of market product.

    I’m still interested in seeing how many people who have been complaining about blackouts because they didn’t want to pay for cable will actually be willing to pay for a legal stream, or who will decide that is too expensive and continue watching via the seven seas…..

  4. Will they be included in the normal MLB.tv subscription or will you have to get a separate subscription like the Padres and D-backs were last year?

  5. I would pay the Twins $5-10/mo directly if it meant streaming all their games on any device I own.

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