Walking out of a hotel elevator and a stranger wishes me a horrible weekend…

Took me a minute to realize he was an Eagles fan. 😂

Looking forward to an ass kicking awesome weekend.

  1. Are you in Philly? If so; the “horrible weekend” is implied. The 9rs win tomorrow should make it a little better though

  2. Philly is the one place I’d maintain my anonymity as a fan. Sit there in the stands with no team affiliations on, just embracing the ass kicking being handed to the Eagles in my own head. Smiling, knowing all the Eagles fans around me are hating life.

  3. fuck em’, remind he’s the asshole livin in philly. you will return to 70 degree weather and educated friends. bay area rules…. fuck everyone but us.

  4. Sounds like an invitation to channel your inner Bill Burr and just start roasting Philly: “Fucking Rocky is your hero! The whole pride of your city is built around a fuckin guy who doesn’t even exist. You got fuckin Joe Frazier is from there but he’s black so you can’t fuckin deal with him, so you make a fucking statue for some 3 ft fuckin Italian you stupid philly cheese-eatin fucking jackasses”

  5. I remember I got off the bus at 8am in front of Independence Hall wearing my Jerry Rice jersey. Literally within seconds, a car drove by and yelled out “f****t.”

    I did have a few complementary fans on the way to the stadium basically saying my Jerry Rice jersey was one of the few acceptable jerseys to wear.

  6. Every fan base has those people when you go to an away game. I went to week 1 in Pitt and most everyone was cool with the expected ribbing but I had a couple assholes give me a hard ass time like I play on the team or something.

  7. I hope you dodged the batteries. And the nasty East Coast hate.

    I’ve been to Philly in Summer. There’s a reason they’re bitter–and sweaty.

  8. That happens a lot when I’m wearing USC jerseys. Lots of haters out there.

    I haven’t noticed it as much when wearing a Niner jersey. Usually I get and give ‘bang bangs’ all around.

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