Joe Namath taking a beat down from Raiders Defensive End Ben Davidson, 1967. Davidson stood at 6’8″ and weighed 275 lbs- Namath suffered a broken cheekbone on this play.

Joe Namath taking a beat down from Raiders Defensive End Ben Davidson, 1967. Davidson stood at 6’8″ and weighed 275 lbs- Namath suffered a broken cheekbone on this play.

  1. Ben Davidson was a bit ruthless.

    He did a good job playing a bad guy swordsman in Conan The Barbarian. Almost killed Conan. 😉

  2. If you’re interested in Retro/Nostalgic NFL content from the 40s-90s you should come check out r/oldschool_NFL !

  3. If you read Madden’s book it was actually a hit from Ike Lassiter a couple plays before that caused the break. Every play was a personal foul back then on both sides of the ball.

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